Western Cape Covid Announcements

These two csvs are constructed from scraping the Western Cape Covid website's news section. We only include announcements since 17 April, because the format was different before that.


The news section is filtered to only show results that match the search string Update%20on%20the%20coronavirus%20by%20Premier%20Alan%20Winde&date=All&category=All&page=[1-20]

For each of those results, we then go into the actual announcement page, and strip out the html table.

Finally, we join all these tables into a single csv, which is posted here.

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Polje Vrijednost
Autor Riaz Arbi
Održаvа Riaz Arbi
Zadnja izmjena Kolovoz 5, 2021, 10:52 (SAST)
Kreirаno Lipanj 23, 2020, 12:25 (SAST)